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  4. 为什么我的冰箱不冻结? 这里有5个原因

为什么我的冰箱不冻结? 这里有5个原因

Freezers are the dependable appliances of the kitchen. 你总是可以相信,只要困倦地跌跌撞撞地走进厨房,细看你忠实的冰箱,你对午夜零食的渴望就会得到满足. 冷冻蔬菜, 水果, 和 meat to ready-to-bake pizzas 和 delectable ice cream, your freezer is the go-to place for last-minute dining. But what if your freezer is not freezing?

当你的冰箱停止做它应该做的一件事——冷冻——不要让它让你沮丧. 一些简单的方法可以让你的食物在短时间内保持冰冷. Review this h和y list of freezer issues 和 quick fixes compiled by 美国本土盾®. 


Before delving into troubleshooting issues if your freezer is not working, it’s helpful to underst和 how a freezer works. 

大多数冷冻机的工作原理是使用充满快速蒸发液体冷却剂的冷却管. This process involves compressing, 冷凝, 并通过冷冻室的机械部件使制冷剂气体蒸发, 其中包括 

  • condenser, which changes the gas refrigerant into liquid refrigerant,
  • compressor, which pumps refrigerant gas to the other freezer parts,
  • evaporator, which moves the heat from the freezer to the condenser,
  • filter, which filters out undesirable particles from the refrigerant, 和 the
  • 蓄电池, 由于在压缩过程中丢失了一些制冷剂,因此哪些地方储存了多余的制冷剂, 冷凝, 蒸发过程. 

What Are Some Common Freezer Problems?

A freezer not fulfilling its icy destiny doesn’t necessarily mean disaster. 事实上, 许多与冰箱不工作有关的问题可以通过简单的故障排除来解决. 在进入冷冻室之前,花点时间冷静下来,诊断并解决问题.

  • Problem: Freezer is Constantly Running

A freezer that runs constantly may stem from multiple causes. One cause is that the temperature control thermostat is not working properly, forcing the freezer to run constantly to try 和 meet the correct temperature. 如果是这种情况,你可以试着重置恒温器,或者干脆换掉它. 

另一个原因是蒸发器风扇电机或冷凝器风扇电机出现故障. If this is the issue, it’s probably time to call a professional. 

  • Problem: Freezer is Making a Strange Sound

Your freezer will likely make a lot of noises as part of its regular running. 例如, if it sounds like your freezer is making popcorn, 这可能是因为内壁随着温度的波动而膨胀和收缩. 嗡嗡声, 嗡嗡作响, 咯咯声和咔哒声也是很正常的,表明你的冰箱和冰柜在工作. 

然而,新的或过大的声音可能表明你的冰箱有问题. 这些噪音可能意味着你的冷凝器盘管脏了,阻碍了适当的气流. To remedy the situation, you can clean your condenser coils 每两到三个月一次 使用冰箱线圈刷. 

The noises could also mean that your freezer’s evaporator fan isn’t working correctly; if this is the case, you should repair or replace it soon. 如果蒸发器风扇损坏或老化,您可能会注意到嗡嗡声或咔嗒声. Your freezer might also run less cold than usual. 

  • 问题:冰箱漏水

If your freezer is leaking water, or if you have 冰柜里的霜, you likely have a clogged or (ironically) frozen defrost drain. 你可以用浇油管装满热水,然后用它来清理排水管.


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一个不结冰的冰箱,即使是最放松的人也会感到热. 冰箱坏了并不意味着几百美元就打了水漂. 弄清楚冰箱不冻的原因是修复它的第一步——节省你的冰箱和预算.

  1. 冰箱里的空气正在泄漏. 

If you find your freezer cold but not freezing, the first thing you should do is test your freezer door. 你可能没有注意到有一件东西伸出来,足以让门半开着, meaning that precious cold air is escaping your freezer. 

同样,旧的或安装不良的冰箱门密封可能会导致你的冰柜温度下降. 你可以在冰柜和冰箱门之间放一张纸或一美元钞票来测试冰箱门的密封. 然后,关上冰箱门. 如果你能拿出一美元钞票,你的冰箱门封口机需要修理或更换. 

  1. Freezer Contents are Blocking the Evaporator Fan.

Another reason your freezer is not working could be 货物包装不良. Make sure that there is enough space under the evaporator fan, usually in the rear of the freezer, 这样从风扇里出来的冷空气就可以到达冰箱里的任何地方. 

  1. 冷凝器盘管脏了.

脏的冷凝器盘管会降低冰箱的整体冷却能力,因为脏的盘管会使冷凝器保留热量而不是释放热量. This causes the compressor to overcompensate. 为了防止这种情况发生,请确保定期清洁冷凝器盘管. 

  1. Evaporator Fan is Malfunctioning.

冰箱不结冰的更严重的原因是内部部件出现故障. If your evaporator fan is not working correctly, first unplug your refrigerator 和 remove 和 clean the evaporator fan blades. 在蒸发器风扇叶片上结冰经常会阻止你的冰箱正常循环空气. If you notice a bent fan blade, you will need to replace it. 

If the evaporator fan blades are spinning freely, 但是风扇不转了, 您可能需要更换有缺陷的电机或修理风扇电机和恒温控制器之间的断线. 

  1. 有一个坏开始接力.

最后, 冰箱不结冰可能意味着你的启动继电器没有正常工作, meaning that it isn’t giving power to your compressor. 你可以通过拔掉冰箱的插头来对启动继电器进行物理测试, opening up the compartment at the back of your freezer, unplugging the start relay from the compressor, 和 then shaking the start relay. If you hear a rattling noise that sounds like dice in a can, your start relay will have to be replaced. 如果它不发出响声, that might mean that you have a compressor issue, which will require professional repair assistance. 


A consistently cold freezer is a happy freezer. 除了保持家里最冷的电器尽可能冷,并妥善包装食物储存, here are the tried-和-true ways to enjoy uninterrupted coolness.

1. Review the owner’s manual for maintenance instructions. 现在熟悉你的冰箱,当你需要维护或修理它的时候,它会奇迹般地帮助你保持凉爽.

2. Periodically check the freezer’s thermostat. For a freezer to perform optimally, its thermostat should be set at zero degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius). 如果你的型号没有内置恒温器,用温度计来检查温度.

3. 保持室内清洁. 用一块湿抹布和一点洗洁精,你可以让你的冰箱瞬间闪闪发光.

As with anything you depend on every day, the better you treat your freezer, the better it will treat you (和 your food) in return.

It’s also a good idea to sign up for a bet3365标准版计划 包括 冰箱保修 报道. 美国家庭之盾的bet3365标准版为家庭系统和电器提供保险, including your refrigerator 和 freezer. 为了确保您的预算不受正常磨损的影响,如您的冰箱不冻结,请查看bet3365标准版的 定价 和 计划 今天.


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